The Effect of Platelet Rich Plasma on the Treatment Outcome of Minigraft/NB-UVB Therapy in Stable Vitiligo: Clinical Evaluation and Effect on Tissue levels of bFGF.

Autor: Mohamed Salem, Samar Abdallah, Soltan, Marwa Yassin, Khazragy, Nashwa El, Fezea, Tabarek Abdulkhaleq
Zdroj: QJM: An International Journal of Medicine; 2021 Supplement, Vol. 114, pi105-i106, 2p
Abstrakt: Background: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder resulting from loss of melanocytes which causes depigmentation of the skin. Clinically, it is characterized by the progressive loss of melanocytes causing the appearance of well-circumscribed milky white cutaneous macules and patches Aim of the Work: to evaluate the efficacy of PRP as an additive treatment to the minigraft/NB-UVB treatments for stable localized vitiligo and the effect of this treatment on the expression of bFGF in the lesional treated vitiliginous skin compared before and after the course of treatment. Patients and Methods: The study represents a prospective interventional comparative study. It was conducted on 17 patients diagnosed as stable vitiligo. All patients were selected from the dermatology outpatient vitiligo clinic of Ain-Shams University hospital from April 2018 to June 2019. All subjects who participated in this study gave written informed consents. The study was approved by the research ethical committee of Ain-Shams University (Approval Number: FWA 000017585) and fulfilled all the ethical aspects required in human research. Results: We found that the addition of PRP to minigraft resulted in earlier repigmentation as assessed by VESTA score; however, at the follow up end (one month following the end of treatment), both modalities resulted in a similar response as regards the repigmentation percent and improvement in VESTA score. The addition of the PRP to the minigraft didn’t result in a superior improvement than minigraft alone. Conclusion: Both minigraft and PRP-assisted minigraft followed by NB-UVB sessions are effective method to induce repigmentation in stable vitiligo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index