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A large body of management research have traditionally examined individual prosocial behaviors that benefit others via ethical means (individuals, organizations, larger social groups) (Penner, Dovidio, Piliavin & Schroeder, 2005). Fairly recently, organizational scholars working in this area have examined unethical pro-social behaviors (UPBs) - unethical behaviors intended to benefit "in-group" others - individuals or entities (e.g., group, organization) (Chen, Chen & Sheldon, 2016; Umpress & Bingham, 2011; Umpress, Bingham & Mitchell, 2010). However, so far this literature has mainly focused on individual-level attitudes predicting UPB, leaving the role of contexts largely unexamined. UPBs occur within the employment context, and for a better understanding of this construct, it is important to understand how UPBs are influenced by contextual influences such as exogenous crises, cultures at various levels, leadership influences, and interaction history. To advance this body of literature, this symposium is designed to investigate how these contextual factors influence UPBs. The five papers included in the symposium examine how UPB engagement or disengagement is bounded in the ongoing global crisis (i.e., COVID-19 - Chen & Chen), ethical culture (Lupoli, Mount, Newman, & Schwartz), leadership influences (Mo & Song), and interaction history (Umphress, Dang & Paskill; Kong & Belkin). Collectively, these featured papers use a variety of research designs, study populations, and analytic methods to provide insights on this topic and shift attention to contextual influences. Customer Treatment Before and After the COVID-19 Breakout. Presenter: Mo Chen; U. of Science and Technology of China. Presenter: Chao Chen; Rutgers U. Loyalty at the Expense of Others. Presenter: Matthew Lupoli; Monash U. Presenter: Matthew Mount; Deakin U. Presenter: Alexander Newman; Deakin U. Presenter: Gary Schwarz; Queen Mary U. of London. Performance Goal Orientation and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior. Presenter: Shenjiang Mo; Zhejiang U. Presenter: Yifan Song; Temple U. Systematic Injustice and Preference for Unethical and Ethical Leaders. Presenter: Elizabeth Eve Umphress; U. of Washington. Presenter: Carolyn Thi Dang; Pennsylvania State U. Presenter: Kaitlyn Paskill; U. of Washington. Gratitude Expression as a Driver of Unethical Behavior in Triadic Social Exchanges. Presenter: Dejun Kong; U. of South Florida. Presenter: Liuba Belkin; Lehigh U. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |