Enacting Interdisciplinarity: Lessons from Crafting a Multi-Dimensional, Experiential Field Study.

Autor: Myles, Colleen C., Baltzly, Vaughn Bryan
Zdroj: Geography Teacher; Jul- Oct2021, Vol. 18 Issue 3/4, p101-106, 6p
Abstrakt: For example: master's-level students are required to serve as class (discussion) leaders for at least one (substantial portion of) a class session and doctoral program students are required to present on a novel (though related) topic during at least one class session. Supplemental readings However, in addition to supplying a core reading for each class session, the syllabus offers (at least) three supplemental readings per class - at least one from each of the three course themes. Combinatorials: eighteen possible permissible arrays The foregoing sources of variability, together with the rules governing permissible combinations of these options (e.g., students can't enroll in one undergraduate course and one doctoral course), generate eighteen different possible course packages or "enrollment statuses." Though the course is short (three to four weeks, depending on the year), academic content is not shortchanged and, in fact, is heightened by ongoing student leadership (i.e., students teaching students) and topical and thematic integration. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index