The Implementation of Policy on Top Leader Position Fulfillment in Bureaucracy Environment Based on State Civil Apparatus Law (The Study in Mataram City Government, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province).

Autor: Khairy Juanda, Agus Suryono, Hakim, Abdul, Wijaya, Andy Fefta
Zdroj: Indonesian Journal of Social & Humanity Study / Wacana: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora; 2020, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p17-27, 11p
Abstrakt: The flow of public tasks of the government in national development is really influenced by the perfect service and the work of government bureaucracy which are parts of the government apparatus that are aimed to provide best service, being balance, and publicly serve the society. In case of position development, beside it is based on the working achievement system, it also pays attention on the carrier system. The civil servant selection for the structural position or functional post must be done objectively and selectively; so that the enthusiasm of competition among civil servants to improve professionalism in order to provide the best service for the society is risen. This research focuses on the policy of fulfilling the high level position in bureaucracy, by the study in Mataram city government, NTB province. According to the background of the research, the formulated research problems are: "How is the implementation on the policy of fulfilling the high level position in village officers unit (SKPD) in Mataram city government scope. This dissertation is qualitative research study. The location of the research is on the area personnel bureau of Mataram city government, NTB. The data analysis technique is interactive model qualitative that was proposed by Miles and Huberman. The result of the study showed that "Implementation of development policy and carrier development of Civil Servant have not implement ASN (Civil Servant Apparatus) Law but it still uses old law which influence the obstruction of civil servant (PNS) carrier development." The recommendation in this research is the importance to implement the Merit System as mentioned in UU ASN (Civil Servant Apparatus Law) and PERMENPAN RB Number 13 year 2014 in the advisory and carrier development of civil servants where each civil servant has equal right and opportunity for the carrier development and opportunity to fill the high level position. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index