Clinical Experience with Perindopril in Elderly Hypertensive Patients: A Subgroup Analysis of a Large Community Trial.

Autor: Neutel, Joel M., Weber, Michael A., Julius, Stevo, Cohn, Jay N., Turlapaty, Prasad, Shen, Yannan, Weinong Guo, Batchelor, Alicia, Lagast, Hjalmar
Zdroj: American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs; 2004, Vol. 4 Issue 5, p335-341, 7p, 2 Charts, 2 Graphs
Abstrakt: Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of perindopril in a subgroup of 3010 elderly (≥65 years) hypertensive patients, who participated in a large US general practice-based community trial. Methods: All patients received open-label perindopril 4mg once a day for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks the dosage was either maintained (group I) or increased to 8 mg/day (group II) based on the physician's assessment of blood pressure (BP) response. Patients were then followed for another 6 weeks for a total study duration of 12 weeks. Results: Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics revealed a higher proportion of women, longer duration of hypertension and higher baseline systolic BP (SBP) among elderly than young (<65 years, n = 7332) hypertensive patients. A clinically relevant BP reduction of similar magnitude was obtained in elderly and young patients with perindopril monotherapy. At week 12, the mean reduction in BP from baseline was 18.4/8.7mm Hg in the elderly and 17.5/11.3mm Hg in the young. Elderly patients with hypertension not responding adequately to the 4 mg/day dosage at week 6 had a BP reduction of 6.3/3.6mm Hg (group II). Up-titration to an 8 mg/day dosage for another 6 weeks gave an additional 8.9/3.5mm Hg reduction resulting in a total reduction of 15.2/ 7.1 mm Hg from baseline. A similar magnitude of increase in response to up-titration of perindopril was seen in young patients. BP control (<140/90mm Hg) on perindopril monotherapy was achieved in 41.4% of elderly and 51.9% of young patients. In both age groups, up-titration to an 8.0 mg/day dosage in group II patients increased BP control by approximately 5-fold at week 12 (28.2% in the elderly and 36.4% in the young). A similar increased response on BP reduction and BP control (<140/90mm Hg) with up-titration was seen in elderly subgroups of African American and diabetic patients. The 7th Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index