The darn technique for small (< 2 cm diameter) midline hernias.

Autor: Pawlak, M., Newman, M., de Beaux, A. C., Tulloh, B.
Zdroj: Hernia; Jun2021, Vol. 25 Issue 3, p625-630, 6p
Abstrakt: Purpose: Primary midline hernias arising in the linea alba are common. While mesh repair has been shown to reduce recurrence rates even in small hernias, many surgeons still use a suture repair for defects of less than 2 cm. The recent European and Americas Hernia Societies Guidelines recommended suture repair only for hernias smaller than 1 cm. A suture repair implies edge-to-edge or overlapping fascial margins, which necessarily involves tension on the repair. A darn is a tension-free repair where, in effect, a "mesh" is hand-woven across the defect in situ. Methods: The darn repair is a modification of the darn techniques for inguinal hernia repair. Eligible patients undergoing this repair at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2017 were identified from a prospective computer-based medical record system and their case notes reviewed. Inclusion criteria were adult patients with a primary midline abdominal wall defect smaller than 2 cm in the widest diameter of the hernia defect measured intra-operatively. Patients were followed up by telephone in 2019. Those who reported possible recurrence or other symptoms in the region of their hernia repair were reviewed in the outpatient clinic. Results: 47 suture-darn repairs were undertaken over the 10-year period. Fifteen of the darn repair operations (32%) were performed under local anaesthesia. Forty-one patients were followed up with a mean of 80 ± 35 and median of 87 months after surgery. Six patients (13%) were lost to follow-up. Recurrence was found in two cases (5%) and one patient has since been diagnosed with a new epigastric hernia some 5 cm cranial to the previous repair. Conclusions: The darn repair for small primary midline hernias is quick and inexpensive with promising long-term results. It can be performed under local anaesthesia. It can serve as an alternative to mesh repair for defects less than 2 cm in maximum dimension. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index