Efficacy of Computer-based HIV/AIDS Education for Injection Drug Users.

Autor: Marsch, Lisa A., Bickel, Warren K.
Zdroj: American Journal of Health Behavior; Jul/Aug2004, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p316-327, 12p
Abstrakt: Objective: To compare computer-delivered to therapist-delivered HIV/AIDS education among opioid-dependent, injection drug-users (IDUs). Methods: We randomly assigned IDUs to receive either computer-based or counselor-delivered HIV/AIDS education. Results: Participants who received the computer-based intervention learned significantly more information about NW prevention, retained significantly more Information at a 3-month follow-up, liked the teaching medium significantly more, and requested additional information about HIV/AIDS at the end of the intervention with greater frequency than did the comparison group. Individuals in both conditions reported significant reductions in HIV risk behavior. Conclusions: Results demonstrated that computer-delivered HIV/ AIDS education may provide an innovative and efficacious intervention for IDUs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index