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International agreements, the informal economy and silenced workers may be where we have an ability to understand the employment relationship and experience and give voice to those affected workers. Tena koutou Ko Julie toku ingoa Ko au te perehitini o AIRAANZ E mihi kau atu ana ki a koutou i tae mai ki tautoko i tenei kaupapa No reira Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa Welcome, I am Julie Douglas and I am the president of AIRAANZ. The persistence of the gendered wage gap, poorer employment outcomes in wages and prospects for Maori and Pacific workers and youth all indicate the powerful social mechanisms of capitalism and postcolonialism at play to ultimately further the business goal. For many workers, ie. women, youth, those of colour, members of the rainbow communities (particularly those who identify as gender diverse), immigrants and indeed increasingly more commonly the older worker, actually that sounds like more of a majority of workers!. [Extracted from the article] |