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Queen Charlotte regained Kennedy's good will by doing "everything in her Power, to hasten the marriage" of the princess to the "Prince of Sax- Cobourgh" in 1816, one of the last events mentioned (203), and Kennedy did not live to witness the princess's death in childbirth a year later. Much of the newly added material consists of brief notes, especially those to Mary Hamilton, but then, some are by Queen Charlotte herself and reveal the close connection between her and Delany, the queen for instance reporting on Princess Elizabeth's health as part of a promise made to Delany (160). Their readers were mostly envisaged as daughters and granddaughters (Papendiek), friends (Delany), or family members (Kennedy), though Queen Charlotte possibly had in mind a more formal record- keeping for historical purposes. R eview Es say E i g h te e n t h- C e n t u r y L i f e Volume 45, Number 2, April 2021 doi 10.1215/00982601-8902718 Copyright 2021 by Duke University Press 8 2 Women's Records of the Court of George III and Queen Charlotte Mascha Hansen Greifswald, Germany Michael Kassler, gen. ed. [Extracted from the article] |