Readers’ Tips.

Autor: Cooper, Jay, McDougall, Debs, Smith, Tim, Symes, Dave, Sherwood, Mike, Fazackerley, Andy, Eaglesham, David, Murchieson, Stephen
Zdroj: Computer Act!ve; 3/10/2021, Issue 601, p42-43, 2p, 7 Color Photographs
Abstrakt: Open the Registry Editor (press Windows key+R then type regedit) and navigate to the key: HKEY CURRENT USER\SOFTWARE\ Policies\Microsoft\Windows\ Explorer (1 in the screenshot). The present free version is Acrobat Reader DC, the DC standing for Document Cloud to enable you to access documents from any location if you create a free account with Adobe. TIP OFTHE FORTNIGHT Block adverts for Edge in Windows I'm an admirer of Windows 10, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved, so I enjoyed Issue 599's Cover Feature ("Remove All Windows Junk"). [Extracted from the article]
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