School Managers' Competence and Practices in Perspective of Instructional Leadership at Higher Secondary Schools.

Autor: Janjua, Uzma Sagheer, Malik, Sufiana Khatoon, Atta, Batool
Zdroj: Journal of Educational Sciences & Research; Fall2020, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p11-24, 14p
Abstrakt: The present paper investigates higher secondary schools school managers' competence and practices in the contexts of Instructional Leadership (IL). This study was descriptive and survey research method was used for data collection. Population of the study consisted of school managers of higher secondary schools located in Rawalpindi (Pakistan). Researchers used "Instructional Leadership Inventory" (ILI) for data collection from respondents. The findings of the study detected significant differences among school mangers with certain variations, regarding IL competence. Male school managers were found better than female school mangers in IL competence. No gender differences were found among school leaders regarding practices of IL. Public and rural sector school managers were found more competent in IL competence than private and urban sector school managers, but in practice of IL, all school managers were found similar. It was concluded that school managers have instructional leadership competence with certain variations, but in IL practices there were found similar. There are implication of instructional leadership in the changing paradigm of education towards the effective role of heads as an instructional leader. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index