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150 Changesinpyruvatemetabolismalterstheepigenetic andmolecular maturationofbovine oocytes J. V. A. Silva A,B, J. Ispada B, A. M. Fonseca Junior B, E. C. dos Santos B, C. B. de Lima C, H. C. da Rocha B, and M. P. Milazzotto B A University of Mogi das Cruzes, Sa ˜o Paulo, Sa ˜o Paulo, Brazil; B Center of Natural and Human Sciences, Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Santo Andre ',Sa ˜o Paulo, Brazil; C Universite ' Laval, Que 'bec, QC, Canada During in vitro maturation (IVM), bovine oocytes undergo important metabolic, epigenetic, and transcriptional changes for the acquisition of developmental competence. 147 Simplification ofthefollicle-stimulatinghormoneprotocol forsuperovulation ofthefirstfollicular waveinsheep C. Brochado A, B. J. Duran B, J. C. L. Motta B, J. D. Kieffer B, A. Pinczak A, A. Menchaca A, and A. Garcia-Guerra B A Fundacio 'n IRAUy, Montevideo, Uruguay; B Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of length of the FSH superstimulatory treatment on ovarian response and embryo production in sheep. Oocyte Maturation Reproduction, Fertility and Development 177 140 Effectofaddition ofdifferentconcentrationsof L-carnitineduring porcine invitro maturationonembryo qualityanddevelopment P. R. Cruzans B, M. S. Lorenzo A,B, G. M. Teplitz A,B, C. G. Luchetti A,B, and D. M. Lombardo A,B A Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cienti 'ficas y Te 'cnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina; B InstitutodeInvestigacio 'nyTecnologi 'aenReproduccio 'nAnimal,FacultaddeCienciasVeterinarias,UniversidaddeBuenosAires,BuenosAires, Argentina L-Carnitine(LC)playsanimportantroleinthecatabolismoflipidsandprotectscells fromthedamagecausedbyreactiveoxygenspecies duetoits antioxidant activity. [Extracted from the article] |