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This drill will help: T ee a ball an inch or higher off the ground (below), and make a swing trying to clip the tee instead of hitting the ball. Issue 1. 2021 | golf digest 33 GOLF DIGEST'S LIST OF THE MOST TALENTED INSTRUCTORS UNDER 40 FOR 2021-2022 CHECK OUT WHO MADE IT - AND THEIR FRESH TIPS FOR YOU Illustration by Vasava 34 golf digest | issue 1. 2021 illustrations: t.m. detwiler • photographs courtesy of teachers P erhaps it's a reflection of golf's youth movement or a new spike in the game's popularity, but whatever the reason, we believe there are more talented golf instructors under the age of 40 than ever before. It's what we call getting ahead of the ball - a big reason some golfers struggle to make good contact. erin menath pinch yourself to stay behind the ball T o train a better downswing, try this drill: T ake your trail hand and place it above your trail hip below the rib cage. This creates a ton of energy, which allows you to use gravity to hit down on the ball and compress it. ray, 38, teaches at Lowcountry Lessons at Patriots Point Links in Mount Pleasant, S.C. 40 golf digest | issue 1. 2021 renee trudeau o'higgins / 37 Quail West G. & C.C., Naples, Fla. $150/hr. [Extracted from the article] |