شناسايی نشانگرهاي ISSR مرتبط با صفات كمی اكوتيپهاي زعفران زارعی (.L sativus Crocus).

Autor: سید محمد علوی سین, جلال صبا, سید سیامک علوی کی, محمدرضا عظیمی مق
Zdroj: Saffron Agronomy & Technology; Winter2021, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p598-608, 11p
Abstrakt: In order to investigate the relationship between quantitative traits and ISSR markers, an experiment was carried out under farm and laboratory conditions at the Zanjan University. In this experiment, 20 primers of ISSR marker were used, and the agronomic traits (including flower number, fresh weight of Stigma, fresh weight of flower, dry weight of Stigma, dry weight of flower, stigma length, saffron yield, corm number, fresh and dry weight of corm, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, dry leaf weight, biomass, harvest index), physiological traits (transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis) and secondary metabolites (Picocrocin, Safranal, and Crocin) were measured during the growing season. Three primers of the total did not amplify. 17 ISSR primers amplified 133 loci among 20 saffron ecotypes, with an average of 7.82 loci per primer. The highest number of alleles were for the I-8 primer (15 alleles). However, the highest amount of heterozygosity and polymorphism information content was found at the I-7 locus, which was 0.93. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that the primers studied (i.e., nine primers) had a significant relationship with most traits except the fresh weight of flower, saffranal, crocin, corm number, and transpiration rate. The highest coefficient of determination was related to yield traits (79%), dry leaf weight (76%), flower number (73%), and leaf area (70%), respectively. I-6 locus was associated with nine quantitative traits, which had the highest relationship among studied primers with quantitative traits. This primer was associated with the fresh weight of stigma, dry weight of stigma, fresh and dry weight of corm, leaf number, leaf area, dry leaf weight, stomatal conductance, and photosynthesis. This primer (I-6), showed 11 alleles in the studied population, which can be considered as important primers in relation to quantitative traits. U808 and U834 primers were associated with 5 and 4 traits, respectively, which had the highest association with quantitative traits after the I-6 primer. These primers were associated with the number of flowers, harvest index, and yield. Considering the observed relationship, it is possible to use these markers loci to select ecotypes based on the related traits in saffron populations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index