Arthroscopic management of intra- and juxta-articular osteoid osteoma of the upper extremity: a systematic review of the literature.

Autor: Ge, Susan Mengxiao, Marwan, Yousef, Abduljabbar, Fahad H., Morelli, Moreno, Turcotte, Robert E.
Zdroj: European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology; 2020, Vol. 30 Issue 8, p1333-1344, 12p
Abstrakt: Background: Intra- and juxta-articular osteoid osteoma (OO) is rare and can result in irreversible joint damage. Recently, arthroscopic surgery is being used more and more to avoid complications associated with other treatment modalities. Methods: On October 13, 2019, we conducted a systematic review of the literature available in PubMed and EMBASE regarding the arthroscopic management of OO involving the joints of the upper extremity. Predetermined inclusion criteria were used to include any relevant article published on and before that date for further analysis. Treatment success rate and tumor recurrence rate were considered the primary outcomes in our analysis. Results: Out of 113 studies, 19 met our inclusion criteria. Of the 32 reported cases in these 19 articles, ten involved the shoulder joint, 19 involved the elbow joint and three involved the wrist joint. Overall treatment success rate was 93.8%. Tumor recurrence rate was 0.0%. No postoperative complications (0.0%) were reported among cases involving the shoulder joint. Two out of 24 (8.3%) patients with elbow OO failed arthroscopic treatment due to incomplete excision, and two (4%) experienced minor complications. Among the three cases of wrist OO, two (66.7%) patients had residual postoperative pain and decreased hand grip strength. Conclusion: Arthroscopic management of OO of the upper extremity joints is highly successful and results in no tumor recurrence; however, there is a risk of incomplete resection in areas more difficult to access by arthroscopy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index