Abstrakt: |
The paper deals with the relation between the urban and natural/rural environments in contemporary Slovak prose with regard to Slovak literary tradition and reflecting on the current changes of a town as exemplified by texts of three authors M. Kopcsay, M. Kompaník and P. Krištúfek. Slovak literature was dominated by the anti-urban solution to the antinomy of the urban and natural environments - the negative depiction of a town along with idealization of the natural environment, which are still in use. The texts reflect on the transformations of a contemporary town and show that the ideal of natural life is an urban construct to a certain extent, and they challenge the traditional motif of a journey from a town back to the country and thematize the disappearing boundaries between the urban and natural environments by using the motifs of the uncontrolably expanding urban environment, peri-urbanization as well as the motifs of urban wilderness. At the same time, by blending foreign elements the texts employ heterogeneity and ambiguity typical of the urban environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |