Du nouveau chez les Šakkanakkus de Mari: nouvelles lectures des empreintes ME64, ME196, et ME14.

Autor: Colonna d'Istria, L.
Zdroj: Journal of Cuneiform Studies; 2020, Vol. 72 Issue 1, p35-46, 12p
Abstrakt: Cylinder seal impressions rank highly among the epigraphic sources concerning the šakkanakkus (rulers) of Mari, especially those that reigned during the 20th and first part of 19th centuries BCE, that is the final phase of the šakkanakku period that preceded the reign of Yaḫdun-Lîm in Mari ca. 1820/1810 BC. New readings of the seal impressions ME64+ME196 and ME14 indicate that they all belong to the same cylinder seal belonging to a ruler named Tīnīn-Dagan, whose father was Iddin-Dagan. Both rulers were previously unknown. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index