Zdroj: International Journal of Public Opinion Research; Winter89, Vol. 1 Issue 4, p351-353, 3p
Abstrakt: The article presents an analysis of various articles on public opinion published in different periodicals. A study focuses on teenagers news media exposure and its impact on information about nuclear issues. Soviet students watch more television news, read more newspapers and are better informed about nuclear issues than American students. Some researchers conducted 11 national Israeli surveys between 1979 and 1984 which investigated depressive mood reactions of the public. Comparing these reports with major headlines in the newspapers the study shows a strong relationship between the extent of negative mood reactions and major events in the Israeli-Lebanon war. Another paper examines four theories of how beliefs about poverty and wealth develop. Using survey data on 38 often-mentioned causes of wealth and poverty the authors show that different meta-theories are responsible for perceived causes of poverty and wealth. A report suggests that anti-gay attitudes seem to constrain the ability of the media to spread information about risk factors of AIDS. Knowledge about how the disease is transmitted is strongly related to attitudes towards homosexuals.
Databáze: Complementary Index