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A study to analyze the attitude of farmers towards Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), UAS, Bangalore was conducted during 2019. Ninety beneficiary farmers who visited ATIC during the last three years were selected purposively. The study revealed that more than half (51.11%) of the respondents had more favourable attitude followed by favourable attitude (28.89%) and less favourable attitude (20.00%) towards ATIC. Among the attitude statements, ATIC is established at appropriate place in the University was ranked first by the beneficiaries with a score of 423 since ATIC is located at the entrance of the University which is convenient for the farmers. ATIC personnel properly attends the visitor was ranked second with a score of 401 which might be due to the fact that they might have received proper hospitality and satisfied with the solutions obtained for their queries. The statement, diagnostic services of ATIC are poor was ranked last with a score of 208 which might be due to the non-existence of soil, water and plant diagnostic facilities at ATIC. Further the characteristics of beneficiary farmers viz., farming experience, scientific orientation, achievement motivation, information seeking behavior, education, extension participation, extension agency contact, risk orientation, innovative proneness, cosmopoliteness and mass media exposure had positive and significant association with their attitude. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |