Effect of Thermal Drilling Modes for Making Holes in Barely Deformable Materials Exerted on Tool Wear.

Autor: Zabelyan, D. M., Burlakov, I. A., Gordin, D. E., Mangasaryan, G. A., Gladkov, Yu. A.
Zdroj: Journal of Machinery Manufacture & Reliability; Jan2020, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p64-70, 7p
Abstrakt: This paper presents the results of experimental studies on the process of thermal drilling in workpieces made of barely deformed alloys by the example of the alloy HN62VMYuT-VD. A comparative analysis is presented, and the modes efficient from the standpoint of thermal drill wear and the process productivity are demonstrated. In addition, the revealed geometrical parameters and material of the tool required for the implementation of the thermal drilling operation are presented. The results of simulation with the use of the QForm VX software package are shown in comparison with the experimental results obtained. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index