Autor: ÇETİN, Arif, ÖZMAN, Cemal, GÜNEŞ, Şenol
Zdroj: Congress Papers of The Association of Sports Sciences; 2019, p3062-3072, 11p
Abstrakt: Volunteer activities are very popular social entrepreneurship activity which motivates many people who would like to gain experience. In recent years, many race organizers have implemented in the volunteer programs at their events. For instance, 8800 volunteers participated in the Istanbul Marathon, Istanbul Half Marathon and Istanbul Kids Marathon events organized by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sports Istanbul. Internal rewards such as benevolence, involved in the decision-making process, taking responsibility, personal development opportunities, taking initiative, engaging in different tasks are among the most important sources of motivation for people to volunteer. This research has two different purposes. First, the research examines the motivational factor structure for volunteering in a sports organization using with the Volunteer Motivation Scale for Sports Organizations. Second, the study examines the differences between motivation and demographic characteristics (eg gender and educational level) and the level of volunteers' work experience as a variable specific to this study. "Volunteer Motivation Scale" that was adapted to Turkish population by Çevik was used in the study. Subscales of the scale are values, appreciation, social interaction, reciprocity, reactivity, self-esteem, social, career development, understanding and protector. Motivating factors of the volunteers who participated in the Istanbul Marathon, categorised in the gold label status by International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the largest annual sporting event in Turkey, and with UEFA Super Cup Finals are analysed in this study. Factor analysis and non-parametric tests were used for data analysis. As a result of the analyses, some demographic features and sub-dimensions were found to be significant. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index