Autor: Ünver, Okan, Köse, Hüseyin
Zdroj: Congress Papers of The Association of Sports Sciences; 2019, p2980-2990, 11p
Abstrakt: Social media has become a popular place in the sports world and has been the subject of many researches. Self-presentation is defined as a behavior of creating, changing and maintaining an impression in the minds of others. While the behavior of self-presentation in the pre-internet time was in the face-to-face communication, the possibility to communicate via social media after the internet emerged. The main purpose of this research is to examine the self-presentation of football players with Instagram application in the focus of gender displays and reveal the differences according to gender variable. In the study, 10 football players, 5 men and 5 women having the most followers on Instagram were included. Mixed methods approach was applied for the study. The posts of the players of both sexes were entered into a coding scheme adapted by Goffman (1979), Hatton and Trautner (2011), Kim and Sagas (2014) and Smith and Sanderson (2015), and frequency and percentage analysis were applied. T-test was used to determine the differences in terms of gender variable and Anova test was used to determine the differences in terms of race variable. Then, fixed comparison method was used to extract the themes from captions. According to t-test results, significant difference was found in the focus of the photograph, position in the photograph, the chest and genital/hip emphasis, touch to himself or someone else and the athlete's posture according to gender variable. According to Anova results, significant difference was found in the focus of the photograph, clothing, pose, the chest, genital/hip and sex emphasis, touch to himself or someone else according to the race variable. In conclusion; it was determined that athlete's self-presentation behaviors differentiated according to gender and race. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index