The Effects of High-Energy Influence on the Structure and Fatigue Life of VT6 Titanium Alloy and Its Welded Joint.

Autor: Smirnova, A. S., Pochivalov, Yu. I., Panin, V. E., Nasonovskaya, A. V., Malikov, A. G., Orishich, A. M.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2019, Vol. 2167 Issue 1, p020342-1-020342-5, 5p, 3 Diagrams, 1 Chart
Abstrakt: In this study, a new surface treatment method was applied to laser welded joints of a high-strength VT6 titanium alloy. After welding, the welded joints were exposed to high energy electric pulse treatment in combination with ultrasonic forging. Ultrasonic forging creates a high-defect structure with high curvature of the crystal lattice in the surface layer, as evidenced by the appearance of extinction contours. The total number of cycles to failure is 8,700 for the samples untreated after welding and 29,400 for the treated samples, which indicates a significant increase in the fatigue life of the welded joint. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index