Information Support of Educationalists as an Important Function of a Postgraduate Education System.

Autor: KUZMINSKYI, Anatoliy Ivanovych, BIDA, Olena Anatoliivna, KUCHAP, Olexandr Volodymyrovych, YEZHOVA, Olga Vladimirovna, KUCHAI, Tetiana Petrivna
Zdroj: Romanian Journal for Multidimensional Education / Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională; 2019, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p263-279, 17p
Abstrakt: The conducted research on die status of information support of educationalists made it possible to install diat such basic functions of scientific and pedagogical information as analytical-prognostic, integrative, and a function of operational and purposeful formation of various categories of specialists at present are not sufficiendy implemented. This can be accounted for by die versatility and complexity of pedagogical process itself, as well as by a low level and limited range of developing operational systems differentiated scientific and mediodological services to various categories of teaching staff. The research classified die types of information required in the system of postgraduate education of teaching staff. Based on die dieoretical analysis of information access in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education (PPE), and programs of information and library service of teaching staff, it has been rationalized diat diere is a great necessity for establishing centers of scientific and information support aiming at improving die qualification of teaching staff. With diis in view, ways of improving the informational function of PPE have been thoroughly studied and revealed. The most significant of diem suggests that an automated corporate information system and a corresponding Internet site must be created. This can ensure die remote search and delivery of electronic materials from die funds of die State scientific and pedagogical library, and the libraries of educational institutions; an exchange of resources with other libraries and organizations; developing information and telecommunication technologies in institutions of postgraduate education; training teachers to use computer technologies, etc. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index