The Stunning Lack of Diversity in Craft Brewing.

Autor: Newhouse, Ryan
Zdroj: Beer Connoisseur; 2018, Issue 37, p8-8, 1p
Abstrakt: Craft beer is the biggest it's ever been, with incrediblestylistic diversity and a wealth of fascinating flavorsand aromas available to be discovered. At that time, 25 percent of womenidentified as weekly craft beer drinkers and 21 percentof Hispanics were weekly craft beer drinkers. Verratti and the Diversity Committee's goal is to collectdata on where the industry is demographically, and thenbe more proactive in participating in large and smallevents that don't usually have a craft beer presence. "We can't minimize the fact that most craft beer makerswere first craft beer drinkers. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: Complementary Index