Ipsilateral fractures of the proximal, mid-shaft and distal humerus.

Autor: Themistocleous, George S., Boscainos, Petros J., Apostolou, Constantinos D., Triantafillopoulos, Ioannis K., Papagelopoulos, Panagiotis J., Korres, Demetrios S.
Zdroj: European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology; Apr2004, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p32-34, 3p
Abstrakt: Abstract This report describes the evaluation, diagnosis and conservative treatment of an 80-year-old woman with a non-pathological ipsilateral fracture of the proximal, mid-shaft and distal humerus. The treatment goal was the prompt return of the patient to a satisfactory functional status without surgical intervention. The spiral diaphyseal fracture was reduced with manual traction without anaesthesia, and a U-slab casting was applied. Immobilisation was preserved for 6 weeks, and fracture healing progressed normally. Then the patient entered a rehabilitation program with passive and active exercises. Complex fractures of the humerus are rare and often are misdiagnosed. Conservative treatment in an aged, self-sufficient patient with low activity demands or patients with multiple medical problems is a reasonable option with satisfactory results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index