Dielectric dispersion in thin LiNbO3 films.

Autor: Gudkov, S. I., Kamenshchikov, M. V., Solnyshkin, A. V., Kislova, I. L., Belov, A. N., Kiselev, D. A., Zhukov, R. N., Malinkovich, M. D.
Zdroj: Ferroelectrics; 2019, Vol. 544 Issue 1, p62-67, 6p
Abstrakt: The comparative study of dielectric dispersion in thin LiNbO3 films deposited by radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering and laser ablation on Si substrates was carried out. It was found that the dielectric permittivity of the lithium niobate films prepared by the various methods had the significant dispersion due to the barrier effects arising at the ferroelectric/semiconductor interface. The structure of LiNbO3 films deposited by the laser ablation was more imperfective in a comparison to the LiNbO3 films deposited by the RF magnetron sputtering. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index