Obesity and cardiovascular risk in an oncology day ward population.

Autor: O'Reilly, David, Prior, Lisa, Dooley, Lucy, Calvert, Paula, O'Connor, Miriam, Horgan, Anne, Jordan, Emmet
Zdroj: Irish Journal of Medical Science; Aug2019, Vol. 188 Issue 3, p777-782, 6p
Abstrakt: Introduction: The burden of obesity and risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease amongst an oncology population receiving active treatment is ill-defined. We performed a retrospective analysis assessing the incidence of obesity and cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in this group (grp) of patients as well as the predicted 10-year risk of a CV event. Methods: Data from all patients (pts) receiving intravenous chemotherapy in an Irish oncology satellite unit over an 18-month period was extracted from chemotherapy prescriptions and electronic patient records. To calculate patients' 10-year risk of developing CV disease, we used QRISK, a predictive risk calculator. Results: The prevalence of obesity (BMI > 30) amongst the total population was 19% (n = 21), with 26% (n = 28) overweight (BMI, 25–< 30). Information on CV risk factors was available in 93 pts. with the following rates being observed: hypertension 34%, dyslipidaemia 19%, current smoker 18% and diabetes 11%. The average 10-year risk of a CV event (stroke/MI) in this cohort was 19.2% (± 16.6), with a relative risk of 1.4 compared to their age-matched controls without CV risk factors. Conclusions: We observed similar or lower rates of obesity and CV risk factors in this cohort compared to the general adult Irish population. The average predicted risk of developing CV disease in this grp was moderate to high. This can have significant future implications with regard to cancer survivorship, disease recurrence and suitability for further oncological treatments. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index