Processed cocoa pod husk dietary inclusion: effects on the performance, carcass, haematogram, biochemical indices, antioxidant enzyme and histology of the liver and kidney in broiler chicken.

Autor: Adeyeye, Samuel A., Ayodele, Simeon O., Oloruntola, Olugbenga D., Agbede, Johnson O.
Zdroj: Bulletin of the National Research Centre; 3/29/2019, Vol. 43 Issue 1, pN.PAG-N.PAG, 1p
Abstrakt: Background: In a 42-day feeding trial, the effects of processed cocoa pod husk (PCHM) inclusion in a broiler chicken diet were assessed. Methods: This experiment was conducted between December 2017 and January 2018. Cocoa pod husk was collected and processed by ash treatment and rumen liquor fermentation to form a processed cocoa pod husk (PCHM). Three experimental diets were formulated at both the starter and finisher phases, in which PCHM was included at 0, 4 and 8% and designated as diets 1, 2 and 3, respectively. One hundred and eighty 1-day-old Arbor Acres broiler chicks were randomly distributed to three dietary treatments (10 birds/replicate; 60 birds/treatment) in a completely randomized design. The growth performance, carcass, relative internal organ weights and haemato-biochemical indices were determined. Histological examination of the liver and heart samples was also determined. Results: The PCHM inclusion did not affect (P > 0.05) the performance characteristics of the broiler chicks, except for the feed intake that significantly (P < 0.05) increased in birds fed 8% of PCHM-inclusive diet at the starter phase. The carcass traits, relative internal organ weights, haematological indices and serum biochemical indices of the broiler chickens were similar (P > 0.05) across the dietary treatments. The serum glutathione peroxidase and catalase concentration were higher (P < 0.05) in birds fed PCHM-inclusive diets compared to those fed the control diet. Similar histological myocardiac cell appearances were observed among the birds across the various dietary treatments. Sections show the myocardium composed of the cardiac muscle with peripherally placed nucleus separated by a defined interstitium that is free of inflammatory cells and collections. In the birds fed diet 2 and 3, histological variations observed were marked vascular congestion and perivascular inflammatory cells infiltrations in the hepatic tissue and marked infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells around the vessels and activation of hepatic macrophage: Kupffer cells. Conclusion: Dietary PCHM inclusion up to 8% supports the performance, stability of haemato-biochemical indices and improved antioxidant status of the broiler chickens under heat stress condition. Histological changes were observed in the broiler chicken liver. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index