Simulation of tidal patteren of Tapi river esturine section in a physical hydraulic model at GERI, Gujarat to study the flooding patteren.

Autor: Bist, M. S., Selva Balan, M., Singh, J. K., Dhayalan, S.
Zdroj: ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering; Sep2019, Vol. 25 Issue 3, p310-315, 6p
Abstrakt: Central Water & Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune has developed and installed a PC based Automatic Tide Generating (ATG) system at Tapi river physical hydraulic model, at Gujarat Engineering Research Institute (GERI), Vadodara. The purpose of this ATG system is simulation of tides in the model and to study the tidal effect from Arabian on Tapi river flow and discharge from the Ukai dam. With the help of this ATG the model officers simulate the spring and neap tide condition at Surat city location and obtained the flood levels in the model and provide solution for prevention/minimization by raising the embankments along both the banks of Tapi river with effects of tides at various outflow for protection of Surat city after considering the flood conditions in the year 2006. Optimization of embankment design i.e. height, adequate length and location were assessed by the physical model studies considering spring and neap tide situation. This is robust tide simulation system evolved as a result of continuous research & development efforts carried out since last forty years at CWPRS, Pune. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index