Deep Blue Light Emission of (4,3-Oxo‒HCMM) Coumarin Derivative for Organic LED Display Application.

Autor: Pramod, A. G., Nadaf, Y. F., Renuka, C. G., Sucheta, M.
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings; 2019, Vol. 2100 Issue 1, p020105-1-020105-4, 4p
Abstrakt: In the present technological world huge demand of white light emitting diodes has received much importance due to their vast applications in various sensors, lightning devices and display etc. The white light can be produced by mixing exact amount of green, blue and red light. Therefore, we made an attempt to produce a LED application making use of organic compounds. Hence, we synthesized 4-Hydroxy-3-[(4-Hydroxy-2-Oxo-2H-Chromen-3-yl) (4- Methoxyphenyl) Methyl]-2H-Chromen-2-One (4,3-Oxo‒HCMM). In this present work we report, the 4,3-Oxo‒HCMM possesses high color purity, good CIE chromaticity coordinate, and they would have potential organic light emitting devices (LED) application, this simple method to produce the blue light as blue component can play important role in WLED. Uv-Vis absorption spectra is used to determine the optical energy bandgap Eg, andfrom the photoluminescence spectra duality nature of wavelengths for4,3-Oxo‒HCMM molecule in different solvents is obtained due to solvation effect, this result shows a simple extraction of dye in different solvents which can be used to produce the desired wavelength. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index