Autor: Юрковська, В. В., Овсянникова, Л. К., Євдокимова, Г. Й., Валевська, Л. О., Соколовська, О. Г.
Zdroj: Scientific Works; 2018, Vol. 82 Issue 2, p88-95, 8p
Abstrakt: Ukraine is one of the world's leaders in supplying grain. The work on increasing the productivity of crops and the introduction of new, more resistant to external conditions, varieties of cereals is constantly underway. New varieties require studying the effects of storage conditions on them in order to prevent loss of raw materials in the short-term or longer-term storage. Millet is one of the most promising crops for growing in the conditions of frequent drought in the southern regions. The selection of new plant varieties with the required quality indicators is constantly taking into account the needs of the market and consumers, but the requirements for their storage conditions are sometimes obsolete, since they are not reviewed frequently. In the paper, the influence of external storage conditions on a new variety of millet Kharkivsky 31 is considered, which is recommended for growing in the steppe and forest-steppe due to drought-tolerance. The studied batch of grain was packed in linen bags and placed in different temperature conditions with different relative humidity for storage during the year. Every three months, the main indicators of grain quality were determined, and the experimental data were define in the article and analyzed the main factors that negatively affect the quality of grain millet. The condition and quality of the grain mass in general are influenced by all the processes occurring both in the middle and outside of the grain, because they are closely related. Biochemical processes in the grain change the parameters of the ambient air, and air has affect the rate of biochemical processes, and control of this balance, is the key to long-term storage of grain with minimal losses. The grain contains such substances as organic, which include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, vitamins, pigments, and also inorganic substances -water and minerals. In our study, we focused our attention on changes in organic matter under different storage conditions: temperature and relative humidity of the environment, since inorganic substances are more stable during storage. The most sensitive to storage conditions were the content of starch and fat, increasing the relative humidity and ambient temperature immediately intensified the unwanted biochemical processes in the grains, worsening the quality of the studied millet lot. The starch in the initial sample of millet grain contained 57.20%, and during storage it increased the amount of total sugars, hydrolyzed under the action of enzymes. The fat content in the initial sample of millet grain was 4.3%. Unsaturated fatty acids are oxidized by the action of lipoxygenase, light and oxygen to peroxides and hydroperoxides, which leads to rancidity of fats and, to a large extent, spoils the grain that becomes unpleasant odor and taste. We have discovered how the increase in the relative humidity of the air and storage temperature accelerates the growth of the acidity of this millet batch, and the increase in the acid number of fat in the grain has been determined for prolonged storage. The peroxide value of fat is a rather sensitive indicator, and its significance leads to the conclusion about the beginning and depth of oxidation of fat. It indicates the content of peroxide compounds in fats, detects oxidative processes and the presence of spoilage products in the early stages, when it is not yet possible to establish it on organoleptic analysis. In the future, the obtained data will help to determine the optimal and most effective post harvesting measures of the new millet variety in order to maximize its quality during long-term storage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index