Détermination par une approche physique du temps de séjour optimal dans un chenal algal à haut rendement.

Autor: Elghabi, Jaouad, Ihmaine, Hichame, Bamaarouf, Meriem, Tarfas, Ali, Kitanou, Sarra, Jellal, Jamal Eddine
Zdroj: Eau, l'Industrie, les Nuisances; dec2018, Issue 417, p123-128, 4p
Abstrakt: The high rate algal pond (HRAP), photosynthetic reactor where live micro algae and bacteria, is characterized by a residence time between 2 and 6 days according to Oswald (oswald et gootas, 1957). The wastewater goes through a carousel where bacteria algae mixture is kept in suspension with a paddle wheel. This slow agitation allows intimate contact between algae and bacteria and nutrients (Oswald, 1988), which promotes the algo-bacterial symbiosis, it is a real engine for the treatment of wastewater. The idea of our research is born of the similarity between the algal channel and the floculator. So starting from the formulation of the speed of rotation at the algal pond of Ouarzazate, we determined the residence time in this channel. To validate this approach, we compared this residence time that calculated by Oswald's energy balance, optimal residence time calculated and real residence time at the algal pond of Ouarzazate. The results were very satisfactory, indeed, the residence time calculated by the physical approach and the optimal residence time coincide, this finding confirms the validity of this physical approach to determine the residence times in the high rate algal pond. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index