Haematological values of apparently healthy indigenous goats in Malaysia: A comparative study.

Autor: Mohammed Muayad, T. A., Haniza, M. Z. H., Husni, I., Tawang, Alene
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Animal Research; Dec2018, Vol. 52 Issue 12, p1701-1704, 4p
Abstrakt: Objective of this study was to understand the changes that occur among several strains of goats in Malaysia by investigating the haematological values under the tropical climate to stand on the health level and immune system. Sixty adult goats were used. These goats comprised three indigenous breeds, namely, Kambing Katjang, Boer, and Jamnapari. Blood samples (n=618) were withdrawn for every 2 weeks. Complete blood picture was determined immediately after collection. ANOVA, (P < 0.05), was used to analyze data for the effects of sex and breed. Several of the analyzed parameters seem to be affected at the sex and breed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index