Utu and capitalism: a harmful imbalance.

Autor: Hartendorp, Kassie
Zdroj: Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies; Dec2018, Vol. 32 Issue 6, p678-684, 7p
Abstrakt: In this piece, I offer a contribution to examining the cultures of capitalism through an indigenous lens. I use the framework of whakapapa to explore social relationships prior to colonization, with a focus on gift exchange, in order to illuminate the cultural differences between indigenous and non-indigenous systems of value. Drawing on the work of Sir Raymond Firth and Dame Joan Metge, I analyse the contrast between utu and capitalistic exchange. I argue that this relationship is one of deep and harmful imbalance which has had negative impacts socially and economically. I conclude that indigenous epistemologies can provide necessary analysis and solutions for challenging capitalism within a specific cultural context, such as the Pacific region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index