Effect of alloying elements (Zr, Hf, Co), heat and mechanical treatment conditions on the phase composition and magnetic properties of SmFe11Ti compounds with ThMn12 structure.

Autor: Urzhumtsev, Andrey, Anikin, Maksim, Tarasov, Evgeniy, Semkin, Mikhail, Cherepkov, Maksim, Kudrevatykh, Nikolay, Zinin, Aleksandr, Moskalev, Vladimir
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences; 2018, Vol. 185, p1-4, 4p
Abstrakt: The results of thermomagnetic, metallographic and X-ray diffraction phase analysis as well as the measurements of specific magnetization (σs), Curie temperature (TC), coercive force (HC) of (Sm,M)(Fe,M)12-xTix alloys samples, where M = Zr, Hf, Co with the ThMn12 main phase structure (1-12) are presented. The effect of the annealing temperature and the cooling rate on the formation of 1-12 phase and its magnetic properties, including the effect of high-energy milling on the magnetic hysteresis properties and alloys structure are described. It was found that the highest magnetic characteristics such as σs = 112.6 emu/g and TC = 600 ºC are attained in the (Sm0.8Zr0.2)(Fe0.75Co0.25)11.4Ti0.6 alloy after its annealing at 1050 ºC and rapid cooling. It is noted that a mechanical milling of the alloy leads to 1-12 phase amorphization which accompanied by an α-(Fe) or metal Co phases impurity formation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index