Better Understanding Body Mass Index (BMI): A Study of Segmentation Strategies for Public Policy Communication.

Autor: Patino, Anthony, Maddox, Lynda, Pitta, Dennis, Kaltcheva, Velitchka, Katsanis, Lea Prevel
Zdroj: AMA Marketing & Public Policy Academic Conference Proceedings; 2018, Vol. 28, p21-24, 4p
Abstrakt: We utilize a new method of segmenting consumer with BMI incorporating perceived BMI and actual BMI as variables for segmentation. We investigate the question: How can we improve segmentation with BMI in order to craft public policy messages that can assist with changing eating behavior? Using a survey completed by 1,166 respondents, we use use latent class analysis in Mplus to uncover seven segments of consumers. We were able to develop seven segments that utilize actual and perceived BMI. The seven segments are quasi-healthies, pseuo-heavies, perplexed, resolutionaries, true healthies, illusionaries, and biggest losers. The key contribution is to uncover alternative segmentation strategies for BMI using both actual BMI and perceived BMI. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index