Single Exposure EUV of 32nm pitch logic structures: Patterning performance on BF and DF masks.

Autor: Blanco Carballo, V. M., Bekaert, J., Franke, J. H., Kim, R. H., Hendrickx, E., Tan, L. E., Gillijns, W., Drissia, Y., Mao, M., McIntyre, G., Dusa, M., Kupersb, M., Rio, D., Schiffelers, G., De Poortere, E., Jia, J., Hsu, S., Demand, M., Nafus, K., Biesemans, S.
Zdroj: Proceedings of SPIE; 1/11/2018, Vol. 10583, p1-12, 12p
Databáze: Complementary Index