Dependence of the forward neutral energy En on transverse energy ET in Relativistic Heavy Ions Collisions.

Autor: Barrete, J., Bellwied, R., Braun-Munzinger, P., Burgugi, R. G., Cleland, W. E., Clemen, M., David, G., Dee, J., Dietzsch, O., Duek, E., Fatyga, M., Fox, D., Greene, S. V., Hall, J. R., Hemmick, T. K., Herrmann, N., Hong, B., Jayananda, K., Kraus, D., Shiva Kumar, B.
Zdroj: Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics, Procs of the 6th Intl Workshop; 2001, p345-349, 5p
Databáze: Complementary Index