Full Duplex Communications for Next Generation Cellular Networks: The Capacity Gain.

Autor: Aimin TANG, Huaiyu HUANG, Xudong WANG
Zdroj: Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science); Feb2018, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p11-19, 9p
Abstrakt: Full duplex communication highly improves spectrum efficiency of a wireless communication link. However, when it is applied to a cellular network, the capacity gain from this technology remains unknown. The reason is that full duplex communication changes the aggregate interference experienced by each communication link in cellular networks. In this paper, the capacity gain from full duplex communication is studied for cellular networks of 4G and beyond, where the same frequency channel is adopted in each cell. A two-layer Poisson point process (PPP) is adopted to model the network topology, and stochastic geometry is employed to derive the coverage probability and the average capacity of typical link in a cellular network. On the basis of these derived parameters, the capacity gain from full duplex communication is determined. Numerical results reveal that without mutual interference cancellation (MIC), the capacity gain is small under various power levels; with perfect MIC at base stations, the capacity gain can exceed 60%; with imperfect MIC at base stations, the capacity gain decreases quickly even with a slight drop of MIC performance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index