Peer Assessment: A Conduit for Developing Graduate Attributes?

Autor: Pate, Judy, Bell, Sheena, Purchase, Helen, Hamer, John
Zdroj: Proceedings of the European Conference on Entrepreneurship & Innovation; 2011, Issue 2, p721-728, 8p
Abstrakt: The research question that shapes this study concerns the extent to which students' involvement in the practice of peer assessment facilitates the development of graduate attributes in a single semester undergraduate corporate entrepreneurship course. The literature advises that peer assessment has the potential to develop the graduate attributes that are widely claimed to be in demand in the labour market and that might be viewed as antecedent conditions for entrepreneurial behaviour as well as being generally understood to be a necessary in any undergraduate degree programme. This study draws on the experiences of students in a corporate entrepreneurship course, employing a mixed methodology that utilises quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. It is in the comparison of the before and after data regarding students' peer review experiences that this study's approach differs from previous work in this area, mostly addressing post-peer review outcomes. While the perceptions of students were positive regarding their experience of the peer review process, there was actually a demonstrable shortfall between the outcomes that they anticipated and those that they perceived at the end of the peer review exercise. A significant conclusion, among a number drawn from this study, is that such beneficial outcomes of peer review may more realistically be developed as an integrated part of the subject understanding and knowledge development, so that they are embedded in the very learning processes, preferably extending quite naturally to the extended time frame of whole programme involvement. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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