NAADP activates a Ca2+ current that is dependent on F-actin cytoskeleton.

Autor: Moccia, Francesco, Lim, Dmitri, Nusco, Gilda A., Ercolano, Emanuela, Santella, Luigia
Zdroj: FASEB Journal; Oct2003, Vol. 17 Issue 13, p1907, 3p
Abstrakt: NAADP is involved in the Ca²+; response observed at fertilization in the oocytes of several species, including starfish. In this study, we have used Ca²+; imaging and the single-electrode voltage-clamp technique with the aim to investigate whether the NAADP-mediated Ca²+; entry in starfish oocytes discovered in our laboratory was underlain by a membrane current and whether the Ca²+; response to NAADP required an intact cytoskeleton. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index