Autor: Hollick, Julian Crandall
Zdroj: New Republic; 12/4/89, Vol. 201 Issue 23, p13-14, 2p
Abstrakt: Analyzes Rajiv Gandhi's presidential election campaign in India. Advantages of Rajiv Gandhi and his ruling Congress Party; Control of the media by the Congress Party; Political myopia of Rajiv Gandhi; Improvement in the economic conditions of India; Statement that most businessmen will be voting for Rajiv and the Congress Party; Political problems faced by Rajiv Gandhi; Accusation that the Congress Party has committed the electoral manipulation of tensions between Hindus and Muslims; Attempt of the Congress to exploit the Ayodhya controversy; Separatist movements in Assam and the northeast; Mistake by Rajiv Gandhi in 1986 when he overruled the Supreme Court ruling about divorced Muslim women.
Databáze: Complementary Index