Surgical Resection of Giant Lipoma of Interventricular Septum Presenting as RVOTO: A Case Report.

Autor: Saikia, Manuj Kumar, Kalita, Jyoti Prasad, Kapoor, Manish, Phukon, Pranjal, Malviya, Amit, Padmanabhan, Aswin
Zdroj: Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research); Jul-Sep2015, Vol. 6 Issue 3, p152-155, 4p, 2 Color Photographs
Abstrakt: Primary cardiac tumors are rare and lipoma at interventricular septum is rarer. Most of the cardiac tumors are diagnosed incidentally on noninvasive imaging. The clinical manifestations of them depend on its anatomic location. Here we are discussing about a 35-year-old female, who presented with complaints of palpitation, dyspnoea and occasional dizziness for 6 months. On transthoracic echocardiography and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation, a large mass of 5.4x5.9x6.5 cm in size at interventricular septum was detected. The mass was partially obstructing right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). As the mass was large, the surgical resection had to be performed via both transtricuspid valve and transpulmonary artery (PA) approach to avoid residual outflow tract obstruction. Aorta was opened to rule out extension of the mass to left of septum. Histology confirmed the diagnosis of lipoma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index