E-Learning in Augmented Reality Utilizing iBeacon Technology.

Autor: Jurkovičová, Lujza, Červenka, Peter, Hrivíková, Tatiana, Hlavatý, Ivan
Zdroj: Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL); 2015, p170-178, 9p
Abstrakt: Development of electronic technologies shows a general tendency towards miniaturization manifested subsequently in mobility and ability to process larger amounts of information. It is mostly mobile technologies and devices interlinked by internet (internet of things), which contribute to an exponential growth of electronic information and its use. A similar trend is noticeable within in education with growing utilization of electronic forms. In that area we may discern further development of e-learning by means of mobile applications where new opportunities for dynamic presentation of study content and adaptation to the mobility of stakeholders of the educational process keep opening up. Multiple modern technologies and methods improving the flexibility of education have already been employed in e-learning. The use of augmented reality, enabling mobile access to information, belongs among the most advanced technologies in the area of elearning, promising to shape its future. Extensive amount of information about objects surrounding us presents the main benefit of such technology. Information is obtained by means of adequate tools that are, due to mobile devices proliferating among both students and teachers, frequent enough. They include smart phones, tablets etc., possessing a kind of "intellect", i.e. they are capable of processing information and contain mobile internet connection. Communication by means of iBeacon low-energy Bluetooth transmitters distributed at various educational interest points belongs among those interesting technologies which facilitate augmented reality. In our research, we investigated and subsequently tested the possibility of spreading e-learning by its means, and assessed its potential to reach the target audience more effectively within the augmented reality. Our findings show that the character of distributed knowledge differs from the traditional e-learning in dynamic perception of information which is divided into particular interest points, using iBeacon devices. Another advantage is the flexible use of that technology while teaching outside, in a laboratory etc. In the proposed paper we developed, based on the results of our research, a model of an interesting e-learning study method describing the implementation of iBeacon technology. The use of the technology is proposed not only from the perspective of its implementation in suitable study courses but also involving the communication methods between lecturers and students. The proposed model is supported by a description of a student sample group completing an e-learning course on Product and Quality by means of that new technology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index