신규 졸업 간호사의 약물계산오류의 위험에 영향을 미치는 요인.

Autor: 김명수, 김정순, 하원춘
Zdroj: Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science (1229-6155); 2014, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p113-122, 10p
Abstrakt: Purpose: This study was to identify predictors of drug dosage calculation error risk in newly graduated nurses. Methods: A total of 115 newly graduated nurses who passed their employment examination, but didn't work for hospital yet, were recruited from a university hospital. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, X2-test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression using the SPSS 18.0 program. Results: The mean score of ‘drug dosage calculation ability' was 0.81±0.16 and the mean score of ‘certainty of calculation' was 2.95±0.60 out of a 5 point scale. The error risk of drug dosage calculation was positively related to anxiety for drug dosage calculations (r=.388, p<.001), but negatively related to interest and confidence in mathematics (r= -.468, p<.001), confidence related to dosage calculations (r=-.426, p<.001). The main predictors of error risk related drug calculations in newly graduated nurses were identified as interest and confidence in mathematics (β=-.468, p<.001). This factor explained about 21.9% of the variance in error risk of drug dosage calculation. Conclusion: The strategies used to decrease the error risk related drug dosage calculation such as improving interest and confidence in mathematics should be developed and implemented. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index