Abstrakt: |
Celloidin slices of brain were studied histologically by means of Nissl method in Wistar line rats 3 and 8 months after kindling formation initiated by electrostimulation of the lateral hypothalamus emotiogenic zones. part of brain neurons appeared to acquire destructive changes, grow dark and wrinkle, while some of them died. A great number of such neurons were found in the nuclei of base brain, thalamus, hypothalamus and pons varolii with hemorrhages seen in different brain zones. Besides, 8 months after the kindling formation, large spherical bodies painted metachromatically by toluidin blue were found in white substance of many brain zones. These bodies are likely the product of generation and metabolic disorders in myelinated fibres. The data obtained indicate that kindling initiated by hyperexcitation of emotiogenic brain systems results in organic brain disease similar to that in epilepsy. |