[Use of new domestic foodstuffs in the treatment of digestive system diseases with food intolerance].

Autor: Luniakov AS, Shirina LI, Kruglik VI, Shatskaia NG
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Voprosy pitaniia [Vopr Pitan] 1993 Oct-Dec (5), pp. 25-7.
Abstrakt: A clinical trial has been performed of the food Unipit-3 and Laktanal based on cow milk proteins subjected to enzymic hydrolysis, dia- and ultrafiltration. A preliminary immunochemical assay of the above products protein component and its testing in anaphylactic shock reaction in animals demonstrated low sensitizing activity of this protein. The results of the trial of the above hypoallergenic foods in patients with food allergy showed their good tolerance and therapeutic efficacy.
Databáze: MEDLINE