[The reasons for the resistance of Vibrio cholerae to diagnostic phages].

Autor: Kudriakova TA, Cherepakhina IIa, Alekseeva LP, Makedonova LD, Evteeva EI, Dudkina OV, Burlakova OS, Vlasov VP, Gavrilov BV, Vodop'ianov SO, et. al.
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993) [Mikrobiol Z] 1995 May-Jun; Vol. 57 (3), pp. 56-64.
Abstrakt: Phage resistance of 225 strains of cholera germs of O1 group obtained from different countries in 1988-1992 has been analyzed. Change of sensitivity to diagnostic phages was mostly connected with the decrease or loss of agglutinability in cholera sera. Phage resistance is rather conditioned by the change of the surface structures of the cell and by further change of phage reception zones. The increase in the number of strains sensitive to diagnostic phages after 6-12 months of storage evidenced for stabilization of cell wall structures and increase of their viability under relatively favourable conditions of storage.
Databáze: MEDLINE