[The dependence of the results of dermatoplasty in treating hand injuries on their location and the methods employed].

Autor: Kolontaĭ IuIu, Bez''iazychnyĭ VI, Gulaĭ AM, Karagodin DG
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Klinicheskaia khirurgiia [Klin Khir (1962)] 1994 (9), pp. 24-7.
Abstrakt: Results of 392 operations, conducted with application of various methods, are presented: free grafting--132 operations, using local tissues--104, using the flaps on the temporary feeding pedicle--146, using the flaps on the vascular pedicle--10. Majority of interventions conducted were done in emergency. In 32 patients the primary reconstructive-recovering operation combined with epidermic grafting using feeding pedicle was conducted, in 26 of whom good or satisfactory result was noted. Temporary disablement duration was average (72 +/- 3.1) days long. Satisfactory result while the free autodermoplasty conduction was noted in 83% of observations, after the plasty using local tissues--in 79%, and applying the flaps on the temporary feeding pedicle--in 92%.
Databáze: MEDLINE